Terms of Service/Use

Welcome to our vibrant platform!

By accessing or using our website and services, you are warmly welcomed into our community and agree to embrace the following delightful terms and conditions of use. Please take a moment to savor them before you embark on your journey with us.

Let's begin by defining some of the key terms:

1. Definitions:

1.1. "Platform" refers to the captivating ensemble of our website, software, and services, all artfully designed by us.
1.2. "User" encompasses the wonderful individuals who have the privilege of accessing and using our platform.
1.3. "Bot Developer" is the title bestowed upon those brilliant users who craft and offer Discord bots for sale on our platform.

General Terms:

2.1. Our platform is a magical realm for those aged 13 years or older, and we request that you honor this enchanting age requirement.
2.2. We hold the whimsical right to modify or even, with a touch of melodrama, discontinue our platform at any time, though we promise to send word of such changes whenever possible.
2.3. We hope it never comes to this, but we reserve the right to suspend or bid farewell to your account and access to the platform at any time, for any reason, though we promise to do so with the utmost grace and decorum.
2.4. You are the custodian of the secrets to your account, including your login credentials, so please keep them under the tightest of locks.
2.5. While we encourage creativity, please refrain from using the platform for any nefarious or unsanctioned purposes; our kingdom thrives on kindness and cooperation.

Bot Store:

3.1. Bot Developers may list and sell their Discord bots on the platform.
3.2. The pricing and availability of these gems are determined by the Bot Developers themselves, each a master craftsman in their own right.
3.3. We don't cast spells of assurance over the performance, quality, or safety of any bot in our store, so please exercise your own discretion.
3.4. While we foster a harmonious environment, any disputes or conundrums that may arise between Bot Developers and users shall be resolved amicably by the involved parties.

Prohibited Conduct:

4.1. We kindly request that you refrain from using the platform to transmit any content that could be construed as unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, or any other flavor of objectionable. Keep it magical!
4.2. The art of impersonation is entertaining but not here; please resist masquerading as someone else or affiliating yourself falsely.
4.3. We discourage attempts to access parts of the platform you weren't invited to; all doors will open when the time is right.

Refunds and Cancellations:

5.1. Users may request a refund for any purchased bot within 7 days of their acquisition, a small window of opportunity for reevaluating your choices.
5.2. Bot Developers have the mystical power to cancel or withdraw their bot from the store at their discretion.
5.3. We reserve the right to gracefully remove any bot from the store when deemed necessary for the greater good of our community.

Intellectual Property:

6.1. Bot Developers are the guardians of their bots' intellectual property rights, a treasure to be protected and cherished.
6.2. Users are invited to enjoy the magic of their purchased bots but must not engage in any copying, reproduction, distribution, or resale without the explicit written consent of the Bot Developer.

Limitation of Liability:

7.1. While we strive to keep our platform in tip-top shape, we are not liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, or even whimsical damages arising from your use of the platform.
7.2. We bear no responsibility for the protection of your computer or data, which are precious to us all, in the course of using our platform.


8.1. We hope to keep the peace, but if trouble should arise, you agree to stand as a guardian of our platform and shield it, along with its affiliates, officers, agents, and employees, from any claims, demands, or damages stemming from your use.

Governing Law:

9.1. These terms of service shall be interpreted in the bright light of The United States of America's laws, with no room for shadowy conflicts.

Dispute Resolution:

10.1. Any disputes that emerge from these terms of service shall be resolved with a touch of magic, through arbitration guided by the benevolent rules of the London Court of International Arbitration.

We hope these terms add a sprinkle of charm to your experience on our platform. Welcome, and may your journey be filled with enchantment and endless possibilities in Hyperz World Development!

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